
Breaking News!

Dear Bulgarian Rose Beauty Customers,

Its time for a break ❤️ because no matter how much we love what we do we might get overwhelmed. At the end of the day we are only humans and no human feelings are far from any one of us. At moments like this I believe we must take time to "recharge". That is what I'm planning to do myself now.

I would like to thank everybody, my family, friends, followers, Customers and partners, the people who trusted me and those who didn’t, the people who were with me from beginning to this time now, who came and went, to all, all of them, and to all of you.

Many thanks for the support, the love and all you gave me.

It’s been a wonderful journey, with many sleepless nights caused by stress, many sleepless nights caused by the joy of success, many days of hard work and many days of happiness when the hard work pays off.

It’s been an adventure that I truly struggled and truly enjoyed. And if I had to repeat it from the beginning now I would have no doubt to do it, that’s why I hope to be back one day soon again.

Until then, I wish you all the best till we meet again. Take care and keep in touch ❤️

While we are no longer selling our products online, we can be contacted via Instagram or WhatsApp +971.050.565.4487.